20th September 2024

Search St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council

Serving the residents of Burcott, Coxley, Dinder, Dulcote, East Horrington, Easton, Haybridge, Launcherley, Maesbury, Polsham, South Horrington, Southway, West Horrington, Woodford, Wookey Hole and Worminster.


Facts & Use

WHAT? The Parish Council own and maintain a SID (Speed Indicator Device) which has been active around parish villages from some months now. It records speeds of vehicles. The data is collated, shared with residents and forwarded to Avon & Somerset Police Headquarters & the local PCSO teams.

WHERE? The Council have to abide by certain rules which are given to us by both the Somerset Highways Department and Avon and Somerset Police before we can site a SID. We have had to agree these locations across our Parish to ensure that we can site the SID in appropriate locations.

Most of the locations are on main roads through the Parish: the A371, the B3139 (Bath Road & Burnham Road) & A39 (Glastonbury Road).

You may have noticed that the mobile Police unit uses the same location to ours as this is the agree location to be used, for both SIDs and Community Speed Watch team members.

Speed Indicator Device (image: Westcotec, our suppliers)

Speed Indicator Device (image: Westcotec, our suppliers)

Latest Results

2024 reports from the North Ward

2024 reports from the West Ward

2024 reports from the East Ward

2024 reports from the South Ward

Community Speedwatch

Community SpeedWatch is a partnership between the Community, the Police and Local Authorities. It gives local people the ability to actively get involved in road safety.

The aim of Community SpeedWatch is to make motorists who speed through residential neighbourhoods aware of the impact their actions have on local residents, or the danger they pose to other road users and pedestrians. This is something we are working with communities to address.

A colourful logo showing people with speed limits on their tummies and a contact email if you are interested in contributing.

Volunteers required for Community Speedwatch Programme

Last updated: Thu, 12 Sep 2024 11:45