20th September 2024

Search St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council

Serving the residents of Burcott, Coxley, Dinder, Dulcote, East Horrington, Easton, Haybridge, Launcherley, Maesbury, Polsham, South Horrington, Southway, West Horrington, Woodford, Wookey Hole and Worminster.

Displaying 1 to 24 of 24

As approved by Staffing Committee, 23rd April 2024, and Full Council 13th May 2024.

Approved by Full Council, 13th May 2024.

Approved by Full Council, 13th May 2024.

Approved by Full Council, 13th May 2024.

Approved by Full Council, 13th May 2024.

Approved by Full Council, 13th May 2024.

Approved by Full Council, 13th May 2024.

Approved by Full Council, 13th May 2024.

Approved by Full Council, 13th May 2024.

Describes the process, councillor responsibilities and definition of risk management and how this is carried out by St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council.

A reviewed policy outlining eligibility and application process for awarding of green villages grants by the Parish Council. Policy approved by Full Council 11th September 2023.

Parish Council policy outlining the process and checks on small-scale works completed by 'preferred contractor'.

Approved by Full Council on Monday 13th February 2023.

Memorial Bench Policy

Tue, 6 Dec 2022

Please read this policy before you proceed with your application. We hope it answers all of your questions, but there are contact details if you need further assistance.

Approved by Full Council on Monday 14th February 2022.

Approved by Full Council on Monday 14th February 2022.

Last reaffirmed, October 2020.

Approved by Full Council 22nd March 2021.

Approved by Full Council, Monday 22nd March 2021

Approved by Full Council, Monday 22nd March 2021

This document details the approved processes for remote meetings, as approved by the Cabinet on 13th May 2020.

General Privacy Notice

Wed, 26 Feb 2020

This policy explains what happens to information when you contact St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council, the council's rights and responsibilities and who to contact if you wish to make a complaint about information handling.

This policy explains the handling of information for councillors once elected, processing of and restrictions in handling information and who to contact if a councillor wishes to make a complaint.

This policy explains what happens to information when you contact the Parish Council, the council's rights and responsibilities and who to contact if you wish to make a complaint.