20th September 2024

Search St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council

Serving the residents of Burcott, Coxley, Dinder, Dulcote, East Horrington, Easton, Haybridge, Launcherley, Maesbury, Polsham, South Horrington, Southway, West Horrington, Woodford, Wookey Hole and Worminster.

Planning Applications

Planning Applications are discussed by the Planning Committee which meets on Wednesdays every 3 weeks.

Agenda (and Minutes, once the meeting has passed) are shown in the Calendar of Council Meetings. Simply click on the meeting in the calendar. The Agenda for the forthcoming meeting is published 3 clear days prior to the meeting.

You can also search for previous Agenda and Minutes here, adding the 'Planning' tag in your search.

Whilst the Parish Council considers and comments on all applications affecting the Parish, the Local Planning Authority is Somerset Council from April 2023, who determine most decisions on applications. Members of the public are encouraged to take an active role, by both joining planning meetings and commenting on the Planning Portal.

How can you comment on an application?

Option 1: attend a Planning Meeting and put your comments to the Committee. This can be to either support or object to an application.

Option 2: if you are not able to attend a meeting, you can send your representation to deputyparishclerk@stcuthbertout-pc.gov.uk who will read them out at the relevant meeting.

Option 3: make a comment online. You have to register to do this, but once you have, you can comment on any application in the future.

Issues that can be taken into account

There are limits to the range of issues that can be taken into account when considering planning applications. The following are examples of valid planning considerations:
• Government planning policy and guidance
• Planning legislation.
• Draft planning policies.
• Adopted local (parish) level guidance
• Previous planning applications
• Design, appearance and relationship with the surrounding area.
• Living conditions such as light, privacy, noise and odour.
• Highway safety
• Biodiversity
• Impact on trees and the landscape
• Flood risk in identified areas at risk.
• Heritage assets such as listed buildings, conservation areas and archaeology
• The economy, including job creation/retention.
• Drainage and surface water run-off.

How can I find out what recommendations the Parish Council has made?

Option 1: Go to 'Council Meetings', click on the relevant planning meeting, and find the relevant application in the Draft Minutes.

Option 2: Go directly to the Planning Authority: Somerset Council's "simple search". Enter the reference number, open the application file and go to the 'documents' tab. The Parish Council comments will appear here.

(Please note, it can take up to 5 working days from the meeting date for these to be uploaded onto Somerset Council's pages - they are not instant.)

Option 3: email deputyparishclerk@stcuthbertout-pc.gov.uk You will receive the comments sheet for the relevant application.

(Please note, the Minutes are always DRAFT minutes until the next meeting, so can be amended.)

Larger Housing Development Applications - Recommendations by St Cuthbert (Out) Parish Council

A view across the Mendip Hills from Chilcote.

A view across the Mendip Hills from Chilcote.

Please find below Planning Committee recommendations for larger planning applications within the parish:-

Last updated: Tue, 10 Sep 2024 12:57